I did this scribble this morning for the "Ward's Corner Good News Gazette" my father publishes in the Norfolk area of Virginia. He's kind enough to include my illustrations so that the 40 businesses it's passed out to and the readers can see them. I hope they enjoy "September".
[For everyone else, I'd like to ask, what does September make you think of? What does it make you feel? For the past 14 years it has meant back to school for me. Excitement and joy to see new people and old, to learn new things and refresh what was forgotten, and best yet, the beginning of fall and things like the leaves changing and soccer, as well as crisp air and the pleasant busyness that school work brings.
So what september memories do you think back to around this time of year?]
Paint then trying to do reverse shading like is often done in white chalk/charcoal on black paper, but instead was done with a colored pencil. Half covered in blankets.
These are backlogs from summer, so they begin to evolve from pushing myself out of doing nothing into excelling.
This is the first page of my moleskin journal that I broke down and bought around May a few months ago. I never wanted to buy one: I didn't understand what was so great about them, or why they were freakin' twenty dollars. But after a summer with my moleskin, the heavy paper and calming cream color have assuaged me of my moleskin phobia and have converted me to join my fellow art students. I've become a moleskin snob. It's sad. I now use 3 of their journals consistently, on for writing, one as a sketchbook, and a thin one with much lighter paper for to-do lists and the like. But anyways. This moleskin was about just doing art instead of sitting around thinking about doing it, worrying what to draw how good it's going to be, etc. So the moleskin has broken me into new areas, for which I am grateful.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen to skellyscribblez. again.
After having half a week with family in southern New Jersey [yes, the Jersey Shore, but sorry, wrong shore. Snooki comes from the North], i've finally had people tell me there's a point to posting these drawings and keeping up with it.
I've been ranted at by 3 people in person all saying something along the lines of "where'd all the drawings go?!" [insert an offended, half-jersey accent] and you know there are people actualy paying attention besides the weary artist.
so here we are. again. back at my task, my goal of skellyscribblez. and i want to do everyday, but what if i don't? then i don't. and hopefully get enough of a fanbase that i get what i've heard lately. a whole bunch of jersey accents telling me to get up off my tush.
so if you like what you see, please bug me. i'll actually post more. so here we go. postingwill resume latest by next week, friday. just when school starts up. should be interesting. and if anyone has ideas for art projects or art collaborations they want to work on, please drop me a line, cell phone, here at the blog, on facebook, i want to work with people.
check back soon, and often scribblerz. til next week, i'll be revving up, and doing drawings. see you soon