Again, sepia originaldone a few weeks ago. But never fear, I did several drawings today--4!and I may have stumbled onto a really great selection of materials but I won't give away my secret yet, people must guess!
I drew this girl in the VCU commons while she was reading, I was quite proud of this one.
Again, another sketch done a few weeks ago, and again in sepia. I just accidentally scanned these as BW images instead of color ones. I'll have to re-scan them later, and I have to anyways because they scanned as jpgs. I was rushing. meehhh.
Anyways! This girl on the left was so irritating to draw! She kept moving while she was reading her vampire novel and thus I ended up making her look weird as revenge. They guy on the right in the fuzzy russian hat was fun to draw! I didn't fill out his cornrows, but oh well. his hat was surprisingly easy to draw, and I loved this dude wearing it. Totally unexpected. haha.
Enjoy all! I did a drawing today while eating at cracker barrel. Will scan in tomorrow! :D
Did this a couple weeks ago (posting it because I am without my scanner, but I did TWO drawings today, i swear!). On and this was originally done in sepia ink I have never been a fan of appreciating architecture, especially when it comes to drawing it, but I think I am enjoying it a lot more (and therefore people are boring me??) because it is unfamiliar territory! So Huzzah.
I did this a few days ago, but I had to get the blog up and running. I'm going to try and do much better about drawing everyday: doing it a lot more, and learning from it. So I need you guys to bug me about drawing!!! COMMENT! =motivation.